Research Data and DOIs
Research Data Management
Storing data possiblities: Keeper (Max Planck Digital Library) GWDG (Gesellschaft f. wiss. Datenverarbeitung) MPCDF (Max Planck Computer & Data Facility)
Max Planck Digital Library page on Research Data management
Tipps on file handling,•File formats,•Data quality,•Data backup and storage ,•Open Reseach Data
RDMO (Research Data Management Organiser software, by MPDL) supports the organisation of data management and the writing of data management plans (DMP) for various funding organisations.
Fair research data management workshop by MPDL to manage your data more effectively
Data Management at the Jena University
Repository for Research Data in Thuringia
Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management
Research Data Alliance: a community-driven initiative in 2013 by the European Commission, the United States Government's National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Australian Government’s Department of Innovation with the goal of building the social and technical infrastructure to enable open sharing and re-use of data.
forschungsdateninfo: Research Data informationand good scientific practice (German only)
German Research Data law (in process) RFII discussion(german only)
Terminology service for Research Data by TIB
Integration of Terminology Services in Earth System Sciences
Terminology service, Ontology NFDI
Open Access data repositories, consortiums
- In MPG.PuRe (our institutional repository) we already host some data, that come with as supplements with your article, this data can be made available open access.
- Edmond: MPG research data repository (harvested by Openaire via b2find) for Max Planck researchers. Edmond can be used to publish raw data for re-use by other researchers as well as supplementary secondary data underlying a certain publication. Please check back at your library for further information!
- is a global registry of research data repositories by the German Research Foundation.
- OpenDOAR, a global Directory of Open Access Repositories, a collaborative project between the University of Nottingham and Lund University
- Zenodo: service is offered by CERN and an OpenAIRE project. Zenodo is a research data repository for the preservation and making available of research, educational and informational content.
- Fairsharing Community
- Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur NFDI4Earth DataPlant NFDI4Chem NFDI4Biodiversity
are digital, persistent identifikators for objects like publications, data ... (PIDs). They are built with a specific metadata scheme, including mandatorily the identifier, creator, title, publisher and year.
At the MPI Biogeochemistry we are able to assign DOI's for certain projects. The DOI's are registered with Datacite and have the prefix 10.17871. Please get in contact with the library, if you want to assign a DOI
Carboscope: :
Geodb Dataportal (BGI):
You can also apply for a DOI via
Edmond OA data repository
Openaire Guide on "How to find trustworthy repository for your data"
Champieux, R., Solomonides, A., Conte, M., Rojevsky, S., Phuong, J., Dorr, D. A., Zampino, E., Wilcox, A., Carson, M. B., & Holmes, K. (2023). Ten simple rules for organizations to support research data sharing. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(6), e1011136.
Please check back at your library for further information!