FAQs for scientists and students
Find the answers to your questions about research, access, publishing and more or ask your librarian.
Research and Access
E-Library: access to local library books, articles, journals, institute's publications (direct and interlibrary loan) or use the MPG-SFX-linker to get to your fulltext from e.g. E-Library or Web of Science, Googlescholar, Pubmed...
You can find our thesis in the E-Library or browse in our collection (call number COM80).
Introduction to the Web of Science:
Set up a search profile, alerts, analyze results, perform a cited reference search, export to Endnote. For individual session turn to the library.EndNote: Reference Management
Do you use EndNote for the first time? We provide basic and advanced EndNote-Training, please Ask us!Helpful:
- Software licensing MPDL (Download Endnote from the MPG Software licensing page)
- Endnote training Homepage (by Clarivate Analytics)
- Endnote training Youtube Channel (by Clarivate Analytics)
Author helper tools
Do you have a manuscript and need a journal match? Calculate you publicationPlease take a look at our search-and-find page for more information.
You will find information on how to order books in our intranet
Please take a look at our research data page for more information. There you can find all about Open Access data repositories and DOIs.
The Max Planck Digital Library offers service programs for researchers and the administration (intranet only).
See our Open Access page for further information on open access policies.
In case we do not have direct access to a publication, you can choose between ordering it via the MPG-SFX-linker,
write us an E-mail or take a look at our intranet.
We offer access to lab protocols from Springer (Springer Nature Experiments) and Wiley (Wiley Current Protocols).
Within the IP range of our institutes you have full access to our subscribed journals or books. From outside, please set up a VPN connection:
- ICE VPN: Instructions for setting up AnyConnect VPN (ICE)
- BGC Intranet VPN: Instructions VPN (BGC)
Thesis process
Literature on scientific writing at the E-Library
Thesis process at your local Max-Planck library:
Your thesis will be available in print and/or electronic version via out E-Library. After your defense, we will check with you for an open access publication option. Open Access to the thesis will be possible via our E-Library and the PuRe repository. If your thesis can be published open access (for conditions please check carefully and ASK US) you have an option to declare an embargo. Please consider to include the accepted manuscript version of an article into your thesis.
Thesis process at the University- Library Friedrich Schiller University, Jena (Thulb):
Please take notice: If you want your thesis not to be published openly at the Jena University repository dbt, only submit 8 printed copies to the Thuringia University Library: NO digital copy, NO form/checklist NO embargo possible
Please talk to your supervisor before contacting the Thulb.
Please find a checklist here for submitting a doctoral dissertation to the ThULB (Thüringer university library). You will have to submit it in German
There are many different options to manage your citations. The library offers introductions to EndNote.
- Endnote training Homepage (by Clarivate Analytics)
- Endnote training Youtube Channel (by Clarivate Analytics)
Other questions
Want to reserve a table at the library?
Chemical Ecology users, please visit: Library reservation.
Biogeochemical users, please contact us in person!
Yes, we can! Please find information about bibliometric questions as a part of our publication services.