Good scientific practice

Good scientific practice for publications:

best practice of the German Research Foundation (DFG) regarding methods, results, author/co-authorship.
Publishing Open Access: the MPDL supports Open Access, check the OA Journal finder and/or contact Kirsten at the library - choose the CC-BY license!
Archiving of your publication via the Publication Repository PuRe (MPG) is guaranteed - for data - contact your IT and check the Research Data management page of the library.

The internal peer review process for export control at BGC is described on the Intranet.

Very important for members of the IMPRS Biogeochemistry and IMPRS Chemical Ecology:
Ombudsperson for the MPI chemical ecology is Grit Kunert, please check the Intranet page
Ombudsperson for the MPI Biogeochmistry is Marion Schrumpf.

Some literature and links to important articles and websites:



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